Wednesday 1 August 2012

Appreciating the SUMMER..... especially AUGUST

Oh boy, how time flies!!! I love summer from the long days, warm nights, and all the exciting things there is to do!!! I took this week off to enjoy summer for everything it has to offer..... so my plan is to do the PRODUCTIVE (boring) things this morning so I can enjoy the rest of the week WORRY free and HAPPY!!! 

Here goes with the PRODUCTIVE stuff:
  • Clean closet out (keep only the "I love it stuff"
  • FOLD laundry
  • Clean bathroom mirrors
  • Tidy
  • Clean out the pantry
  • Make long awaited appts (massage, podiatry etc)
  • Plan fun stuff for rest of summer and week off!!
  • Organize office
  • Get leather seat fixed (at least arrange time for that
And the FUN stuff: 
  • Hang out with hubby and parents!
  • Find someone to go pick berries with me
  • Go to a farmers market
  • Send thoughtful cards
  • Plan java dates
  • Start bootcamp again!!!
  • Bake
  • Get new makeup
  • ?!?! Shop :)
  • Go for lots of walks
  • Go for massage
  • Plan a surprise for our 3rd wedding anniversary 
  • Indulge in yummy fruit and icecream!! 
  • Go do lots of outdoor FUN stuff!!!
What are you guys going to to enjoy the rest of the summer????